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Career Paths Suited for Highly Sensitive Individuals

As with anything in life, being a highly sensitive person (HSP) can bring on positives as well as challenges throughout your life, especially within a career. Everyone wants to have their career aligned with the best strengths and assets that they bring to the table. When a highly sensitive person approaches a career, they need to also factor in their sensitivity. It can be challenging for an HSP to find a career that doesn’t overwhelm or overstimulate them from day to day. Are you looking for the best career options as a highly sensitive person? Look no further! Let’s learn more about some of the career paths that may be best suited for highly sensitive individuals.

2024-04-04T18:55:09+00:00HSP Therapy|

Why Therapists Need Therapy Too

Teachers have their own teachers for their personal career goals or to use as a mentors. Their children may be taught by a different teacher depending on the grade level and subject. Nurses, doctors, and dentists will go to their own primary caregiver or dental provider. Tax advisors may hire their own tax advisors. Even lawyers will have their own lawyer instead of acting as their own. While these individuals may all be considered experts in their fields, they still don’t have the resources, capacity, or time to blend their work life with their personal life and provide the same services to themselves or their family members. The same can be said about therapists. Let’s learn more about why therapists need therapy too.

What Is the Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Anxiety?

No matter if you had a good upbringing or not, many people prefer to keep their past in their rearview mirror. For some, it isn’t always that easy. No matter how painful the memories are or how hard they try to forget about them and move on, it’s part of them. Those good and bad experiences are what shape everyone into the people they are today. Individuals who experience a negative upbringing like a childhood trauma don’t always have the luxury of leaving it behind them. Most of the time, other signs, symptoms, and disorders may form. Let’s learn more about the connection between childhood trauma and anxiety.

2024-04-05T19:41:16+00:00Anxiety Therapy|

Highly Sensitive and High Sensation Seeking: How to Find Balance and Harness Your Strengths

A lot of people think of being sensitive as someone being weak or fragile. In today’s world, sensitivity can be viewed as a negative trait. You may have even heard of phrases in real life or in television shows or movies like “Get over it,” “It’s not that big [...]

2024-02-25T23:43:54+00:00HSP Therapy|

The Gut-Brain Connection: How Your Microbiome Might Influence Depression

You’ve heard phrases like “you are what you eat” or “feel good from the inside out.” These phrases imply a connection between your gut and your overall sense of well-being. But is any of that rooted in fact? Can your gut activity influence your mental status? Can it change how you feel beyond a physical level? As it turns out, yes, it can. 

2024-02-25T22:21:16+00:00Depression Therapy|

Tips for Coping with Anxiety on Top of Chronic Pain

When most people carry in groceries, they apply a certain strategy to it. Carry the heavy stuff first, then finish with the light stuff. Once everything’s inside, you’re done for a couple weeks until you have to shop again. High-five! Carrying in groceries is similar to acute pain caused by injury or disease that heals over a short period of time. Chronic pain is different. It looks like carrying in groceries every day without much of an option to choose a lighter load over a heavy one. You don’t even get the satisfaction of fresh food after exerting so much energy. Instead, you feel constantly drained with no reward. Even worse, no one can see the bags you’re carrying. They’re invisible weights stuck to you—the reason you need an accessible parking spot. (Despite judgy glances of pain-free people around you.) Just because your struggle isn’t visible does not mean you deserve no accommodations or help. Living with constant pain, dealing with others’ judgment, and feeling like you’re missing out on life can cause anxiety symptoms to spike. The added stress can irritate physical pain, and the cycle continues. Let’s talk about anxiety, chronic pain, and how to cope with it.

2024-01-30T02:36:56+00:00Anxiety Therapy|

The Impact of Childhood Trauma Later In Life

Childhood is a time of innocence. It is a time of playfulness and carefree attitudes.  As a child, your main goals are to have fun, make memories, and lay the groundwork for who you’ll become later in life. There shouldn’t be a care or worry in your world during those formative years.  Unfortunately, life sometimes has other plans. When you experience trauma at a young age, it isn’t something that can be brushed under the rug and forgotten about. If that trauma goes unprocessed or unmanaged, there could be lasting effects that begin to appear later in the adult years.  Here are some of the common ways trauma can present itself. 

2024-01-15T21:44:40+00:00Trauma Therapy|

How Therapists Can Navigate and Resolve Ethical Dilemmas

In the realm of mental health and therapy, practitioners often find themselves at the crossroads of compassion and ethics, facing complex and sensitive situations that require careful consideration and decision-making. These moments, commonly referred to as ethical dilemmas, stem from a variety of situations and are not unique to the field of therapy. Nonetheless, they are particularly significant in a profession dedicated to helping individuals navigate the intricacies of their emotional and psychological well-being.

4 Practical Tips for Dealing with Depression

Depression is an extremely common but serious mental health disorder. While it’s completely normal to experience feelings of sadness and fatigue from time to time, if you notice that these feelings persist for longer than two weeks, it’s a good indicator that depression may be at play. If you suspect that you or a loved one is struggling with depression, it’s important to seek support. If you’re not quite ready to make a call and set up an appointment with a therapist just yet, there are lifestyle changes that you can make to try to reduce or limit some of the signs and symptoms you may be experiencing. Here are four practical tips for dealing with depression.

2023-12-11T02:42:22+00:00Anxiety Therapy|

What Is the Difference Between Autism and Being a Highly Sensitive Person?

While sensitivity can manifest in various ways, two terms that frequently come up are “Highly Sensitive Person” (HSP) and “Autism Spectrum Disorder” (ASD). These two conditions, while distinct, share some common traits that can sometimes lead to confusion as to how they are different. Let’s explore.

2023-11-25T21:51:26+00:00HSP Therapy|