Call: (561) 533-0948         |         550 Southeast 6th Avenue Suite 200T, Delray Beach, FL 33483         |         2854 Johnson Ferry Rd #200, Marietta, GA 30062

Depression Therapy

Coping with Depression During Challenging Times: 5 Steps to Take

Dealing with depression is never easy. Even when things are going well in your life, depression can make you feel hopeless, helpless, and unmotivated to do anything that used to interest you. In challenging times, those thoughts and feelings can be overwhelming. When things aren’t going well in your [...]

2024-08-01T14:40:31+00:00Depression Therapy|

My Toxic Workplace Has Me Depressed—What Do I Do?

Toxicity in the workplace is a big problem that doesn’t seem to be going away. It’s one thing to not like your job. But, if the toxic environment you’re exposed to each day is impacting your mental health, that’s a different story. Signs of toxicity in the workplace can [...]

2024-08-01T14:42:02+00:00Depression Therapy|

What to Do When You Feel Lonely and Isolated as a Parent

Feeling lonely as a parent is more common than you might think. When you really think about it, parenthood is socially isolating. You give every moment of your time to your kids, but take little time for yourself or your relationships. You might be able to distract yourself from [...]

2024-08-01T14:43:04+00:00Depression Therapy|

How To Cope If You’re Newly Diagnosed with Depression

Getting officially diagnosed with depression can bring on a whole new wave of emotions and thoughts. If you received a diagnosis, you’ve probably been struggling with symptoms for a while without knowing what they really meant. Still, hearing those words can make things feel “real”, and cause you to [...]

2024-08-01T14:46:14+00:00Depression Therapy|

How Does Childhood Depression Affect You as an Adult?

Depression is more prominent in children than most people realize. Unfortunately, for kids in today’s society, life isn’t always about fun and games. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have already seen a rapid rise in mental health issues in kids and teens across the country. There are many [...]

2024-08-01T14:56:33+00:00Depression Therapy|