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Integrating Self-Care into Therapy Practice: Techniques for You and Your Clients During a Stressful Political Climate

In today’s world, political tensions often run high and the need for self-care is more crucial than ever. Both therapists and their clients can experience heightened stress and anxiety due to the constant barrage of political news and its impact on personal lives. Integrating self-care techniques into therapy not only supports the well-being of your clients, but also enhances your ability to provide effective care. By prioritizing self-care, you, as a therapist, can foster resilience, reduce burnout, and enhance the therapeutic process, creating a more supportive and balanced environment for healing and growth. In other words, when you help yourself, you can better help others. Here are some valuable strategies to integrate self-care into therapy practice during stressful political climates.

Comparing Introverts, Empaths, and HSPs: Traits and Overlaps

There are over six billion people in this world, and among them, no two individuals are exactly alike. Even twins raised in the same household with equal amounts of love and attention will grow up with their own unique set of wants, needs, beliefs, values, interests, hobbies, and goals. While everyone is different, there are commonalities that link us together. This concept also applies to various personality types and mental conditions. For instance, introverts, empaths, and highly sensitive people (HSPs) share certain qualities and characteristics, but they also remain distinct from one another. Let’s explore the similarities and differences between introverts, empaths, and HSPs.

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How Does Trauma Shape Creative Expression?

Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s life, influencing their emotions, behaviors, and even their creative output. While it often brings pain and distress, trauma can also serve as a powerful catalyst for artistic expression. In fact, many artists, writers, and musicians have channeled their traumatic experiences into their work, creating masterpieces that resonate deeply with others. Let’s learn more about the link between creative people and trauma, as well as how trauma can shape creative expression.

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Expressive Art: How Creative Expression Can Help Combat Anxiety

While anxiety is a normal human experience, it’s not always easy to manage on your own. Anxiety can make you feel like you don’t have control over your life. Although everyone experiences anxiety occasionally, persistent or chronic anxiety can be a significant issue for many people. If you struggle with anxiety, you’re not alone. It’s important to find effective ways to manage the symptoms and combat its effects. Remember, your anxiety doesn’t define you. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, it is possible to overcome these thoughts and feelings. Let’s learn more about how creative expression can help combat anxiety.

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4 Signs You’re Refusing to Acknowledge Your Depression

Acknowledging and confronting depression can be a daunting task. For many, it’s often easier to dismiss feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair as temporary or insignificant rather than acknowledging them as symptoms of a larger issue at play. However, refusing to acknowledge depression can prolong unpleasant symptoms and delay the healing process. Let’s explore four common signs that indicate you may be avoiding or denying your depression. By recognizing these signs, you can take the first step towards seeking help, finding support, and improving your well-being.

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How Does EMDR Help Complicated Trauma?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach used to treat trauma-related disorders, including complicated trauma (sometimes called complex trauma). Complicated trauma can have long-lasting effects that impact your emotional regulation, sense of self, relationships, and overall well-being. It can lead to symptoms such as hypervigilance, dissociation, difficulty trusting others, struggles with intimacy, and challenges in managing emotions. The good news is, living with the effects of your trauma doesn’t have to be permanent. Let’s explore the benefits of EMDR for complicated trauma.

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Career Paths Suited for Highly Sensitive Individuals

As with anything in life, being a highly sensitive person (HSP) can bring on positives as well as challenges throughout your life, especially within a career. Everyone wants to have their career aligned with the best strengths and assets that they bring to the table. When a highly sensitive person approaches a career, they need to also factor in their sensitivity. It can be challenging for an HSP to find a career that doesn’t overwhelm or overstimulate them from day to day. Are you looking for the best career options as a highly sensitive person? Look no further! Let’s learn more about some of the career paths that may be best suited for highly sensitive individuals.

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Why Therapists Need Therapy Too

Teachers have their own teachers for their personal career goals or to use as a mentors. Their children may be taught by a different teacher depending on the grade level and subject. Nurses, doctors, and dentists will go to their own primary caregiver or dental provider. Tax advisors may hire their own tax advisors. Even lawyers will have their own lawyer instead of acting as their own. While these individuals may all be considered experts in their fields, they still don’t have the resources, capacity, or time to blend their work life with their personal life and provide the same services to themselves or their family members. The same can be said about therapists. Let’s learn more about why therapists need therapy too.

What Is the Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Anxiety?

No matter if you had a good upbringing or not, many people prefer to keep their past in their rearview mirror. For some, it isn’t always that easy. No matter how painful the memories are or how hard they try to forget about them and move on, it’s part of them. Those good and bad experiences are what shape everyone into the people they are today. Individuals who experience a negative upbringing like a childhood trauma don’t always have the luxury of leaving it behind them. Most of the time, other signs, symptoms, and disorders may form. Let’s learn more about the connection between childhood trauma and anxiety.

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Highly Sensitive and High Sensation Seeking: How to Find Balance and Harness Your Strengths

A lot of people think of being sensitive as someone being weak or fragile. In today’s world, sensitivity can be viewed as a negative trait. You may have even heard of phrases in real life or in television shows or movies like “Get over it,” “It’s not that big [...]

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