Worried woman reclining with glassesWhen you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), everyday situations can overwhelm you. Not only do you take on the feelings of others, but you might also struggle with sensory issues.

As an HSP, everything from loud noise, crowds, and even feeling rushed in whatever you’re doing can cause you to become anxious.

Needless to say, HSP and anxiety are often closely related. If you already have anxiety and you’re trying to work through it, understanding how your HSP might contribute can help.

So, what are some common Highly Sensitive Person traits that could contribute to your anxiety?

More importantly,  what can you do about it?

Conflict and Stress

HSPs are often more stressed out by any kind of conflict. Even minor disagreements or differences of opinion can make them feel frazzled and shaken. But they don’t necessarily have to wait for a conflict to even occur to feel the effects.

Many HSPs can feel a conflict “brewing”. If you’re in a relationship, for example, and things feel “off” for a few days, you might start to feel anxious worrying about what’s going to happen, what’s wrong, or how things will end. The build-up and the “what ifs” are often what make feelings of anxiety much worse.

Sensory Overload

We touched on it above, but many Highly Sensitive People have trouble with too much noise, bright lights, large crowds, or any “hectic” situation. While sensory overload is stressful enough, these situations can also trigger feelings of anxiety.

Anxious man at laptopAgain, these feelings often stem from a place of wondering “what if”. When an HSP feels overwhelmed by any of these sensory issues, they might think the worst. If you’re at an event with a large crowd, you might worry about how you’ll get out, or what would happen if someone gets hurt.

Anxiety typically causes irrational fears, and this is no exception. But it can be made worse when you’re already sensitive and more in-tune with everything.

Time Management

There isn’t really a connection between time management and being a Highly Sensitive Person. No studies have shown that HSPs aren’t productive or that they can’t handle their time effectively.

But, if an HSP feels like they don’t have the time they need, it will often contribute to anxiety. That can affect your work school life significantly. If you’re assigned to a project at work and you have a deadline, you might instantly panic. HSPs don’t like feeling rushed. So, your anxiety might lead you to the worst-case scenario.

As a result, you’re even less likely to get that project done on time, which could cause trouble for your career. It’s a vicious cycle that can be hard to break if you really struggle with pressure and time constraints.

What Can You Do?

Woman outside taking a breathDo any of these situations sound like you? If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, there are things you can do to calm yourself down and cope with everyday worries.

First, learn to recognize both your triggers and the symptoms of anxiety. The more you understand about the things that really make you feel anxious, the more you can work on avoiding them.

One of the easiest ways to calm yourself down is simply to breathe. Stop what you’re doing and take a few slow, deep breaths. It’s okay to work through the fear by reminding yourself that it will pass. Think about what you’re truly afraid of in any situation, and how you can get through it rather than running from it.

If you’re still struggling with anxiety or you’re not sure how to manage it on your own, feel free to contact me for a complimentary 20 minute consultation call. You shouldn’t have to live in fear simply by being an HSP, and we’ll go over more techniques you can use to manage your anxiety every day.

You can also find out more about therapy for HSPs here.