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Therapy for Therapists

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Therapist Who Needs Therapy

Let’s take a quiz. Answer the following questions with a Y (Yes) or N (No): Do you feel like you’re not good enough? Y/N Do you worry people will think you’re not smart? Y/N Do you doubt yourself? Y/N Do you hate making mistakes? Y/N Do you feel like [...]

The Reality of Being a Therapist During Challenging Times—How to Cope

Life throws a lot your way. It can feel like you’re drinking water out of a firehose. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. There are good times mixed with bad or challenging ones. At times, it can feel a little bit too much. The pandemic, a war, political battles on [...]

Coping with Burnout: A Guide for Therapists

Loss of motivation, feeling drained, skipping work or repeatedly showing up late, harboring a cynical attitude about your day-to-day activities—these are some common symptoms associated with work-related burnout. If your burnout is consistent and debilitating, you might turn to a professional for advice. A therapist can provide you with [...]

How Do Therapists Find a Therapist and Why is It Important?

For the average person, finding a therapist can be relatively easy nowadays. There are so many resources online that can help. From the initial search to learning more about potential therapists you’re interested in, it’s a process, but not necessarily a difficult one. But, it’s easy to forget that [...]