Let’s take a quiz.

Man with furrowed brow and hand on faceAnswer the following questions with a Y (Yes) or N (No):

  1. Do you feel like you’re not good enough? Y/N
  2. Do you worry people will think you’re not smart? Y/N
  3. Do you doubt yourself? Y/N
  4. Do you hate making mistakes? Y/N
  5. Do you feel like your successes don’t mean or prove anything? Y/N

If you responded with Y, or Yes, for a majority of your answers, you’re actually not alone. You’re experiencing what’s known as Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome is defined as “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.”
No matter what career path you have chosen, Imposter Syndrome can present itself at any time, even with therapists. Therapists are very familiar with the communication and strategies needed to help their clients address their thoughts and feelings. But who do you turn to when you’re a therapist experiencing Imposter Syndrome?
Take these steps to overcome Imposter Syndrome as a therapist who needs therapy:

1. Recognize and Accept Your Feelings.

You are a therapist. After years of schooling, training, testing, hard work, and dedication, you became a therapist. You weren’t given or handed the title. You spent countless hours studying and practicing to earn your license. Don’t forget about all the hard work that you’ve done to become a therapist.

Even therapists who have years of training under their belt can still experience feelings of self-doubt. Imposter Syndrome can make you believe your doubts are reality. By recognizing and admitting to yourself that you’re experiencing Imposter Syndrome, you’re already on your way to overcoming it.

2. Remember Your Accomplishments.

Woman in cap and gown from behindYou have the undergraduate and graduate degrees you earned to be a therapist. You also have years of experience and a lot of successes along with all the years of schooling.

Kick that self-doubt to the curb by reminding yourself of your successes and accomplishments. Look back at your clients and how far each of them has come since starting their therapy journey with you. You’ve helped your clients break through hard times in their lives. Own that.

3. Remind Yourself that Perfection Doesn’t Exist.

There’s no such thing as being the perfect therapist. Mental health is a field that is constantly evolving. Each individual person has their own thoughts, feelings, views, etc. There’s no possible way to know every single diagnosis, and there isn’t a one size fits all treatment.

Part of your job may require you to conduct additional research. This is completely normal in any career, especially as a therapist. Learning is what keeps things interesting and prevents you from being bored. If you feel the need, seek additional training or certifications.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to know everything. Read that again.

4. Speak to Your Own Therapist.

Woman sitting in hanging chair with laptopTherapists need their own therapists too. Having your own therapist does not make you weak or an imposter. In fact, it’s actually the opposite.

Similar to what you probably preach to your clients, talking to someone can help remind yourself that you’re not alone. It might be insightful to see what techniques and ideas other therapists have in mind for overcoming certain issues as well.

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome as a therapist can seem overwhelming. If you are struggling, therapy can help you heal and create the meaningful, fulfilling life you long for. Together, we can walk the path to finding your health and wholeness.

Are you ready? I invite you to schedule a 15 minute phone consultation at (561) 533-0948 to explore what you need and how I may be able to help. Contact me here.

Click here to learn more about working with a therapist as a therapist.