Man walking in fins mask and snorkelLife throws a lot your way. It can feel like you’re drinking water out of a firehose. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. There are good times mixed with bad or challenging ones. At times, it can feel a little bit too much.

The pandemic, a war, political battles on the news and social media, inflation. These are only a few of the issues we have all just faced in the past few months.

On top of that, you may have your own trauma or history that is also triggering.

How can you support your clients if you’re facing the same issues? Let’s dive deeper into the reality of being a therapist during challenging times and how you can cope.

Practice What You Preach

Woman doing yoga in natureAs a therapist, you’re already familiar with all the tips, tricks, suggestions, and techniques that you give to your clients when they’re struggling. Sometimes, listening to your own advice is easier said than done. But what’s stopping you from practicing what you preach? You’ve helped numerous clients, so follow your own advice! Try any of the approaches you’d recommend to a client:

  • Practice gratitude
  • Get moving
  • Enjoy nature
  • Disconnect
  • Connect with others
  • Prioritize your sleep
  • Fuel your body properly
  • Find things that bring you joy

Find a Routine and Stick With It

A schedule can be a great and easy way to help your mental health. Set hard start and stop times, so you’re able to fully relax and unwind when you get home. This is especially important when it comes to work. It can be very easy to work later or constantly check and respond to messages, texts, and emails after your normal working hours. Try not to though.

You need to be able to “leave” at the end of the day. Set time to be with your family, friends, and even some self-care time for yourself. You can also schedule blocks of time for screen time, social media, news, etc. Find what works best for you!


Man writing in journal with coffee and pastry in coffee shopJust like you tell your clients, journaling or writing down your thoughts can help you at the moment and after you’re experiencing stress or anxiety.

By writing down your thoughts and emotions at the time you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you’re releasing everything onto the page. You can also take this a step further and attempt to write out some solutions to the problems you may be facing. You can put a plan in place to tackle your problem head-on.

What’s even better about journaling is the reflection that can take place after. After a stressful situation, you can go back and reread your thoughts and emotions. This will help you track any patterns down the road. Journaling can also be a huge help in having a better understanding of those thoughts and feelings when you’re calmer and in a better, more positive state of mind.

Therapists Need Therapists, Too

Yes, therapists need their own therapists as well! Don’t be afraid to reach out for help or ask for advice. No one knows everything! Give yourself grace.

Think of it this way: by going to therapy as a therapist, you’re not only bettering yourself, but you’re also making yourself a better therapist for your clients. By focusing on yourself and your needs, you’re able to put your best foot forward to helping your clients, as well as meeting and exceeding their needs and expectations.

Looking for a therapist who is a good fit can feel overwhelming and frustrating. Taking this first step is courageous and I am here to help!

Are you ready? I invite you contact me to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation to explore what you need and how I may be able to help. Meanwhile, click here to learn more about therapy for therapists.